It's very simple. Look around will see dualities. Light - dark, heat- cold, pain- pleasure. We need to accept both. We struggle because we just want to accept the good. That is imbalance. When we make ourselves understand that just like we enjoyed when someone behaved well with us...we need to also accept the bad behaviour. Saints and great people free themselves from these dualities. They are so balanced that they don't become happy when things go well with them....nor become sad when things are not as per their expectations. We can also achieve it. The key is detachment. Detachment means loving wholeheartedly .... Unconditionally without expectations.
But it's not easy.... because we feel we are owners. My child, my husband, my wife, my mother, my house etc....this 'my' word causes ownership feelings and causes expectations. So for example if your son behaves rudely with u....the first thought that comes in ur mind come my son behaved in such a way with me. The main problem was 'my son'. Now try experimenting....instead of my son ....say a soul behaved badly with me...u will see the intensity of pain reduces. The situation is same but the intensity reduces. Now if u say...a soul created by the Supreme God behaved rudely with another soul created by the supreme will feel in this situation you have no ownership feeling... Because Supreme God owns both the souls. Now if u say ....we both are Children of God...and God is fair n just. So if God sanctioned this pain for me ....this means I deserve it and it's for my growth......the other soul was just a channel or instrument in executing my karma for my greater good....ur pain will vanish. Nothing bad happens here in this universe. Please hear my Bhagavad-Gita sessions....for deeper understanding 📷
Mar 17, 2018
Question: Rupali, a great message on today's relationship's in a family by the world teacher Lord Krishna . But how do we go about our everyday acceptance of our family members regarding day to day happenings? Atma Namaste .
It's very simple. Look around will see dualities. Light - dark, heat- cold, pain- pleasure. We need to accept both. We struggle because we just want to accept the good. That is imbalance. When we make ourselves understand that just like we enjoyed when someone behaved well with us...we need to also accept the bad behaviour. Saints and great people free themselves from these dualities. They are so balanced that they don't become happy when things go well with them....nor become sad when things are not as per their expectations. We can also achieve it. The key is detachment. Detachment means loving wholeheartedly .... Unconditionally without expectations.
But it's not easy.... because we feel we are owners. My child, my husband, my wife, my mother, my house etc....this 'my' word causes ownership feelings and causes expectations. So for example if your son behaves rudely with u....the first thought that comes in ur mind come my son behaved in such a way with me. The main problem was 'my son'. Now try experimenting....instead of my son ....say a soul behaved badly with me...u will see the intensity of pain reduces. The situation is same but the intensity reduces. Now if u say...a soul created by the Supreme God behaved rudely with another soul created by the supreme will feel in this situation you have no ownership feeling... Because Supreme God owns both the souls. Now if u say ....we both are Children of God...and God is fair n just. So if God sanctioned this pain for me ....this means I deserve it and it's for my growth......the other soul was just a channel or instrument in executing my karma for my greater good....ur pain will vanish. Nothing bad happens here in this universe. Please hear my Bhagavad-Gita sessions....for deeper understanding 📷
Question: Rupali, a great message on today's relationship's in a family by the world teacher Lord Krishna . But how do we go about our everyday acceptance of our family members regarding day to day happenings? Atma Namaste .