SoulPeace - Holistic Spirituality
Be a Supreme Swan ~ a Paramhansa. Separate truth from the insubstantiality of delusion.
Spirituality means love for God. Religion means path towards God. There are many religions, showing different ways to achieve oneness with God. But have we forgotten the essence of these religious paths? In our pursuits to defend the religion we follow, did we actually forget loving God?
Albert Einstein said – “ If there is a creation, there has to be a creator”. So there is one creator. The creator has many names. Instead of fighting over the name of God or the path towards God, can we focus on loving God?
This website provides a holistic approach just like the swan. A swan is mythologically depicted as having the ability to extract milk from a mixture of milk and water. Similarly lets extract the best of every religion, every teaching , every spiritual information and enjoy bliss.
Spiritual people are powerful people. A combination of good health, strong physique, well balanced mind, clear perceptions, discernment and flawless knowledge is required for Spiritual progression. Hence, we offer you a unique tool called Yoga Prana Vidya, which is a combination of Rhythmic Breathing, Planetary Peace Meditation, Chakra Healing in combination with Physical Exercises to help you get a "Strong Body" and a "Balanced Mind".
~Flawless knowledge can be achieved by Krishna Consciousness. Krishna consciousness means becoming free from illusion, and experiencing our true blissful, eternal nature.